Devotion December 2018

church adminDevotions

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King!”

普世欢腾! 救主下降!大地结她君王

December reminds us that the Christmas season is upon us. Come let’s share the holy season together. Take the opportunity to invite friends and family to join in the celebrations planned here at NLCC.


To many in the western world, Christmas – if it is allowed to be mentioned and celebrated – is nothing more than just Santa Claus, Father Christmas, holidays and parties. Its festivities without much spiritual meaning.


However, for us who are Christians, we who bear the name of Christ, it is a poignant season to remember the Son of God who came into this world to save us from our sins. It is a season to be grateful and thankful. It is a season to count our blessings, and so in His name, seek to be a blessing to others in His name. He came as a remedy for our sin and guilt and shame. He came to defeat death so that in Him, all may have life. Jesus Christ is the Good News for the world.


May the way we celebrate Christmas be an expression of our sincere adoration and worship of Jesus Christ who came to be our Saviour and King.
