“May the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
In the Year of the Lord’s holiness, let’s meditate upon the word of God, and believe by faith that the presence of God will move in our midst, and that God will adorn us with His purity, beauty and majesty. This will surely come about as we seek to live pleasing in the sight of the Lord our God.
As we walk by faith into 2020 built upon the Word of God, we will find that we are indeed building our future upon the Rock – Christ our Redeemer and our firm foundation. May we be dedicated in reading and living the Word of God each day, feeding upon the bread of life that comes from heaven. Let the truths of Scripture fill our hearts, and be confessed through our lips, and lived out in our lives.
May others see that indeed, we are a different kind of people. A godly people. May they see that we have something that they would desire to have Christ in us, the Holy One of God, and our hope of glory.
Happy Lunar New Year! May the peace and joy of the Lord fill every household!