“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12
It is the month of June and we are on the move! Some of our things have already been moved into the new building at O.G. Road. Soon we will be vacating Maylands and begin our regular worship services in the new sanctuary at Klemzig. May this be a reminder to us all of God’s amazing grace and favour towards us. What an incredible journey of seeing grace upon grace from our God towards us!
Our heavenly Father has entrusted us with a significant and beautiful place. May we all, as His family, be good stewards of His property.
May we set our hearts on doing our best to bring glory to our Father in heaven, and blessings to the people in our city. Let us set our hearts on serving God and make this new place to be a Palace of Prayer and Praise. Let us be the living stones of Christ who will build a House of God where all who come will experience His Presence and Peace.
Let us go out from the old place with a fresh desire to serve our God! Let us build a new and beautiful spiritual house for our God! As we serve our Lord of heaven, so shall we reign on the earth!