“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow
like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord,
they will flourish in the courts of our God” Psalm 92:12
A “Happy Father’s Day” to all the fathers in our midst, and to all who are not able to join us! May the blessings of God Almighty be upon all of us, and the families we represent.
Today also marks the beginning of Spring! We are reminded of the change of season as we see the burst of colour and green around us as the plants respond to the light of the sun.
Just as the plants want to reveal their glory, so do we all want success and happiness in life. The big challenge is finding the right way into it. The Scripture verses above shows us the best way to a successful life. God is the Creator all things – seen and unseen He knows what is best for His creation. He knows and shows us the right way.
The Scripture says that those who put their faith in God – the righteous – will flourish and pros-per. In God’s eyes today, the righteous are those who are right with God through faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. And in Christ we become children of God, the Creator now being our heavenly Father.
With God as Father, no wonder we will be successful in life. To live knowing what it means to be loved and to love, to belong to a home where we are safe and secure, today, tomorrow and forever. To belong to the eternal God of love and light. To have a home with God and His family. Like a plant with roots anchored to nourishment and sustenance, so those planted in the house of God draw life from God and share life in God, as sons and daughters of God. With God as Father, we find a home where we all truly belong!
May we rejoice in God as our heavenly Father on this day, “Father’s Day”. And may His blessings be poured upon us all throughout the seasons in our lives! May we rise up to the light of the Son.