Devotion Spring 2018

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“The flowers appear on the earth;

the time of singing has come,

the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”  

Song of Songs 2:12





It’s a new season. The winter chill is passing away and the blush of spring is upon us. Apparently dead branches now sprout hints of green, and buds of flowers begin to show their colours. The beauty of creation around us and the joy it brings reminds us of how great is the Creator. The beauty of springtime reminds us of an even greater beauty – the splendour of the love of our Creator.  The natural rightly points us to the supernatural!

这是新的季节。冬日的寒冷正在离去,春天的气息已经来临。显而易见,光秃秃的枝子长出了鲜绿的嫩芽,含苞待放的花蕾绽放绚烂的颜色。创造的美丽包围着我们,带给我们的喜乐提醒我们创造主是何等的伟大。春季的美艳提醒我们一个更加伟大的美丽 – 我们创造主爱的荣光。自然界的事物正确的把我们指向超自然的那位!

As we are settle into our new place at Klemzig, may we also seize this new season to set our hearts on a fresh encounter with our Lord and God. Let us refresh our love for God, He who provided this lovely place for us to enjoy, and to use for His glory. It’s the season, not only to enjoy the world God has created, but also a time to set our hearts to know Him better! So don’t miss out on our very first Spiritual Encounter Weekend at OG Road! Come and seek to fall in love afresh with the God who is Love! Seek a fresh spiritual Encounter with our Risen Lord!
