NLCC COVID-19 Policy as from 19th June 2020
Welcome back to NLCC at O.G. Road!!
Within the provisions of SA Government COVID-Safe Plan (16 June 2020):
- We can now have services, in a modified format, as follows:
a. Morning Bilingual Worship at 10:00am, as from 28th June 2020.
b. Children’s Church at 10:00am, as from 28th June 2020.
c. No fellowship meals until further notice. - All attending should space out according to social distance of 1.5m. Within the restrictions of 4m2 per person, we can only allow:
● Maximum in the Sanctuary: 75
● Maximum in the Activity Hall: 75
● Maximum in Patience: 25
● Maximum in Children’s Church: 42
(These numbers do not include the staff-workers)
- Please do not attend if you have a fever and flu-like symptoms.
- Social distance of 1.5m apart recommended at all times.
- All who enter the Church will be supplied with hand sanitiser.
- All toys and equipment will be sanitised after each session.
- Please comply with the directions of the ushers and leadership regarding attendance and running of the services on-site including in particular areas and mingling.
- Exercise good personal hygiene regarding sneezing, coughing and handwashing.
新生命基督教会有关新型冠状病毒的政策 2020年六月19日
- 我们现在可以回到教会敬拜,以一种改变的方式,如下:
a. 上午的双语敬拜,上午10点开始从2020年六月28日起
b. 儿童教会,上午10点开始,从2020年六月28日起
c. 没有教会团契的午餐直到另行通知。 - 所有来到教会敬拜的人都应该保持1.5米的社交距离。由于每人必须要有4平方米的空间的限制,我们只能够允许:
• 大礼堂最多可容纳:75人
• 活动大厅最多可容纳:75人
• 楼上的母婴房最多可容纳:25人
• 儿童教会最多可容纳:42人
- 如果你有发烧和感冒的症状请不要来教会。
- 应该随时保持1.5米的社交距离。
- 所有进入教会的人会被给予含酒精成分的免洗洗手液清洁双手。
- 所有儿童教会的玩具和器材每周都会进行消毒。
- 请大家服从教会迎宾员的指示.
- 请注意个人卫生,特别是打喷嚏,咳嗽并勤洗手。